Registered Charity Number: 1014274

Helping Others
We are always looking for host and support families to help look after the children visiting from Belarus whilst they are in Sheffield on their respite holiday. We fund raise to bring a group of children to the UK every Summer for a 4 week break.  The Sheffield links aims to bring over approx. 10 children per year for a four week respite holiday in the area. During their stay in the UK they eat uncontaminated food and breathe clean air. They experience family life to the full and take part in a huge range of activities, (such as a visit to the seaside and the fire station, as well as swimming and lots of picnics).
We need families / individuals happy to allow the children to stay in their homes for either a 2 or 4 week period, as well as support families / individuals to help look after the children during the day time or assist with transporting them to planned events. If you are interested and live in the Sheffield area please get in touch for more information. Please note all our host and support families are required to be DBS checked.