Registered Charity Number: 1014274

Supporting the people of Ukraine
We are a local branch of the internationally recognised UK registered charity Chernobyl Children's Lifeline founded in 1992 by Victor Mizzi OBE MBE. The charity has rebranded with a slight change of emphasis and will be known as CCLL. The Helping Hand for Ukraine. Due to the war in Ukraine and its ongoing consequences the charity cannot, at this time, bring children to the UK for recuperative health holidays. However, the charity can provide support for those in need in Ukraine, particularly in the northern regions. This support is known as CCLL The Helping Hand For Ukraine. Our branch hopes to help families by providing much needed funding to purchase necessities and make a real difference to their lives. We are currently focused on fundraising activities.

For many years the Sheffield link of CCLL has provided respite holidays in Sheffield to children from Belarus affected by the aftermath of the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster. Due to recent events the charity is no longer able to operate in this area but we do continue to support a number of vulnerable families within Belarus.
Our latest project is funding the development of a safe bomb shelter for children within a rural school in Ukraine. To learn more about this click here.
Our charity raises funds through various events and initiatives, and we’d love for you to get involved with Chernobyl Children's Lifeline Sheffield Link. We depend on your support in order to improve the lives of those affected by the nuclear disaster. Join us today to learn all about volunteering and donating options.
We are part of a national charity, Chernobyl Children's Lifeline.
Our charity was established and registered in 1992 by Victor Mizzi O.B.E. to support the children (and their families) from Belarus and Ukraine forever affected by the world's worst nuclear disaster.
At the Sheffield link we work with families from Belarus, which received over 70% of the radioactive fallout from the nuclear explosion in April 1986 and as a result, thousands are born every year with, or go on to develop thyroid cancer, bone cancer and leukaemia.
Founded in 2007, Chernobyl Children's Lifeline Sheffield Link has been working hard with the help of our members and volunteers to help individuals in our area. Our work is dedicated to funding and delivering charitable services, and we strive to inspire and improve the lives of those who need assistance. Get in touch to learn how you can make a difference at our Charity.
It Starts With the Will to Make a Difference
“Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see”